
You don’t find your passion; You CREATE it!

To find your passion, you have to be willing to look for it.
And when you finally find it, the time spent looking for it was not a waste.
The way I look at this is that your passion is not something you “find” technically.
Instead, you *create* your passion.
You let your passion manifest in your life because of the person you become along the journey towards finding your passion.
Looking for your passion is a dynamic process in which you grow, expose yourself to new experiences, things, people, to life itself.
This journey creates the “passion”.
Because, you, as a person, change while looking for your passion.
You are a different person now than the person who started looking for his passion 5 years ago.
Had you “found” your “passion” (the one you found today) 5 years ago, you would have not seen it!
You had to become the person you are now to be able to recognise your passion.
Had someone said to me 5 years ago that coaching would be my passion, I would have laughed!
Because I was not there yet.
If I had done a BSc. and PhD in “Coaching” (there isn’t such a thing) in my early 20’s, I still wouldn’t be able to coach anyone after graduation!
And even if you could have found your passion earlier, you didn’t waste your time.
Because the person you are now can fuel his passion with 10x more experiences, lessons, wisdom accumulated in the process of finding your passion.
You are the ONLY person who walked all these other unique paths to get to that one destination, ie. your passion.
Others may have got their earlier than you or walked different paths to get there.
You bring things to the table that are unique. That’s your advantage. You didn’t waste your time.
Someone who becomes a teacher after having spent years in the corporate world is a unique teacher!
A former biologist who becomes a doctor is a unique doctor.
A coach who used to be a musician, an engineer, a mathematician, a banker, a marketer, is a unique coach.
Get on this journey of exploration. Be open, curious, try, taste different things.
It’s the only way to find, or better say, create your passion.
Your passion is you, your own unique journey.
Love, Angelos

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If you think the door will open for you, it will.


People are constantly opening doors and windows for us.

The interesting thing is that some people will see the same door as opened while others as closed.

It’s how we ourselves perceive what others do for us.

If we walk around with our heart open, doors will open for us.

At every curve of your career (and life), doors will open for you if you think they will!

And sometimes all you need to do is smile at the door. <3 

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If you’re thinking to quit your job… read this!



But you feel you’re not ready yet… 

Let me tell you this.

You will never feel 100% ready to do it.

You will never have enough money before you quit.

You will never have figured out exactly what you want to do next.

You will never feel 100% safe and secure and confident.

Quitting your job is a decision to make a jump and dive into the water. 🌊🌊🌊

It will feel uncomfortable, risky, but you know what?

You will never regret that you made that jump of freedom.

It will not just be a gift to yourself. You OWE this to yourself!

And you owe this to us!

If you don’t jump, we all are worse off… 😞😞😞

WE NEED YOU here in the deep sea, we need your light, your talents, your creative power and …

… you’re sitting there on your safe rock trading the gift of life for another paycheck.

Another year/month/day spent on that rock is the biggest risk one can take in this life! 

Quitting your job or anything that’s not right for you (same applies to relationships and other things) is a decision to explore life, find other islands and destinations even if that feels like you might die in the deep sea.

Well, it’s better to die in the deep sea rather than lavish on a safe rock forever.

But, the truth is… You will be safe! 💪

Life will reward you for making that jump!

Because there are others in the deep sea ready to guide you and support you until you find the island that’s right for you and your spirit.

And when others see you swim in the deep sea, they’ll take the courage to jump too.

That will be your impact…

So, my good friend, take your Wilson with you and sail away NOW as Chuck Noland would do! 


Loving you,

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To those who’re making good “bread”…


This is what happened today in the bakery shop… 

… that fueled my inspiration and desire to do better work.

I recently discovered the best bakery shop in my town.

They make delicious bread there. 🍞

I mean… I can just have their bread for lunch!

Their bread with some Lefkadian extra virgin olive oil!

Really dangerous bread!

But what’s even more dangerous is that Anthoulla, the owner of the bakery, always makes sure she throws some more of her creations into my bread bag saying…

“That’s on me! You pay only for the bread!”

And when my wife is with me… her generosity can go crazy!

“How are you, my Katya? Here’s a pumpkin pie for you to try!”

Sometimes I feel all the extra bonuses cost more than the bread I pay for! It’s getting uncomfortable! 🙂

Today as I was waiting in the queue… this picture on the wall caught my attention.

Here you can see the first founders of the bakery, ie. Anthoulla’s dad and her late mom.

The picture was taken in 2004 when Anthoulla’s parents got an award for the best olive oil cookies, a traditional recipe of our island.

– Do you see that lady? That’s my mom, Papanti, said Anthoula. She was a sweet and kind lady. Not because she was my mom…everyone used to say that.

– I’m sure she was. I can tell, I replied.

– Whatever you see here… everything is her own recipes! She passed away four years ago.

– Well, she’s still with us Anthoulla, I replied. Look, you’re still making her bread, her bread is on our tables every day, Katya loved the pumpkin pie last week, you and I are talking about her right now. I just took a picture of her, she’s in my phone. And… I can see Papanti in you.

– Yes, Angelos. She’s still here. You’re right!

Anthoulla smiled and then tears started rolling down her face.


I’m writing this about Papanti right now.

Papanti inspired me today.

And although I don’t run a bakery shop, I make bread every day for my clients. We make bread together!

My bread is the love I give to my people, every interaction I have with them is another olive oil cookie, a cookie of love, a piece of me.

All this makes me think…

Our bread, our work, our vision, whatever we decide to do with our time, can have an imprint on the world that will stay here and can change the world even when we’ll be gone.

Our bread can change the way others think about their own bread.

Your bread can help others make better bread.

“Our work can change the entropy of the system forever. The limited time we live in this life can shift the world to a new direction forever”, as MIT Prof. Constantinos Daskalakis once said.

Tell me what you hear.

If you relate to all this, what do you want to do?

To all those who’re always striving to make better bread,


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What listening really means and why it’s important for me


I want to wish myself MORE Listening this year…

More listening means less thinking (the “bad” thinking, worry, anxiety…)

Less thinking means a quiet mind.

A quiet mind means peace, tranquillity, happiness, space for new fresh thinking, the “good” thinking, ie. new insight.

You either think or listen.

Even a meditation master who can stop their thinking, they’re still in a listening mode.

They’re focusing on their breathing, ie. listening to their breathing.

The opposite of listening is having a busy mind.

A busy mind blocks the channel that connects you with the universal wisdom, the intelligence, the energy that’s always there for you to tap into, if you decide to listen.

Children are good at listening! Children suck you in. They take you in. They absorb you.

And all of us going… “I’m curious… what are they thinking now?”

That’s the thing. They are not thinking. They’re listening. 🙂

You can’t figure out the solution to a problem by thinking.

Constant thinking over a problem will not give you the answer.

Forgetting the problem and going for a walk, ie. more listening (a meditative walk, connecting with nature) will give you the answer.

Less thinking will open the space for new insight to come to the surface.

I want more listening for myself in 2020!

More listening will help me understand and serve my clients better this year.

More listening will help me learn better from my coaches and teachers this year.

More listening will help me see the direction I want to go more clearly.

More listening will help me connect with my inner wisdom.

OK. That’s enough for New Year’s day!

What can I wish for you now, dear friends?

I want to wish you whatever will serve you best this year, no matter whether you see it or not right now.

Because sometimes we wish ourselves the wrong things. ☺️

With all my love,

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How to get what you want in life…

My biggest realisation on getting what you want in life.
If you want something in life, ie. a thing, it seems like universally it works out if it’s not coming from a feeling of deficit, a feeling of desperateness, or a feeling of need.
When people are NOT coming from an insecure feeling, they will often have an idea of what they want in life and they will move towards it!
They move towards it successfully when they don’t have a negative feeling or an insecure feeling.
They move towards it when it doesn’t matter one way or another.
They move towards it when the thing is just … a delight, a game, a dessert! 🍰
“Mmm… what about that? Why not? Mmm… It’s going to be fun! Ha! That’d be nice! Let’s play! “
Then you can feel it’s easy to move towards the thing because it just doesn’t matter! There is no attachment! There is no neediness!
The insecure feeling of attachment just stops acquisition! It makes the whole thing sticky, it just doesn’t happen! The whole thing just doesn’t move! There is friction. There is loss of energy. There is no room for creativity. Arrrghh!!!!
It’s easy to get what you want if you see what you want as the frosting rather than the cake!

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She is all that … and also confident.


She said: “I have to build my confidence. That’s what keeps me down.”

I replied: “No, it’s not. Who cares about confidence!!!”

I recently became friends with a wonderful person. I’ll call her Felicia.

She didn’t reach out to me. I reached out to her after exchanging a couple of emails through work.

And I did because I felt that person had so much value.

I wanted Felicia to be in my network (or better say, myself to be in her network!) and possibly become friends one day.

As we were chatting, Felicia told me she had recently started exploring new avenues in her life but there had always been something stopping her – her lack of confidence.

She seemed to believe that she had to do a great deal of work on building her confidence.

This is what I wrote to her and the reason I’m making my answer public is that I’ve been getting this “I lack confidence” type of thing a lot lately from the most capable, wonderful, amazing, exceptional, and worthy women.

I hope Felicia (not her real name) wouldn’t mind I’m making this public. I believe it’s my duty to share this with everyone here.

This is my reply to Felicia word by word.

My reply to Felicia

Felicia, I read your message very carefully and a few things stood out to me…

For now, I only want to focus only on one thing that’s important to me and this is probably some feedback for you from the outside world as your confidence has to do only with your inner world.

You’re saying that “it’s difficult to know you via a message or any dealing we had with work” but the fascinating thing is that I did manage to understand and feel who you really are… via 3-4 “transactional” work emails.

I did see your value as a person, your genuine commitment to serving others, your kindness and your worth!

And that’s why I rushed to find you here on FB because I thought… this person has WORTH, I should connect with Felicia! And not just connect but really get to know Felicia! That’s why I messaged you right after you accepted my friend request.

As you said, confidence goes up and down and I don’t think that you will ever get to a point when you’ll always feel confident.

So, if confidence is a volatile asset, why don’t you invest into who you really are, and see that investment grow as you navigate life?

Because I know you will always be kind and helpful to others, professional, caring and all these good things that you are. That’s the most valuable asset you have and will never change!

And if one day someone says: “Ohh Felicia is all that but she lacks confidence”, I’d say “That’s a psychopath!!! Felicia, please stay away from them!”

And if you said to me, I like all that, Angelos, it makes sense, but I still want to show up “confident”…

Well, when you stop thinking too much about that confidence thing… you end up showing more confident… if that’s what you want, if that matters…

Felicia, I think you’re focusing too much on this confidence thing, it’s not real, to be honest, you have immense value and I don’t have to put you under a microscope to confirm that.

It’s just fine being you, and if you’re YOU, you’re also confident… but who cares?

You don’t have to prove your confidence to anyone… including yourself.

You appeared very confident to me by the way! And you’re sharing your “lack of confidence” with me, someone you barely know. That’s really “confident” of yours, Felicia!

But still… I never thought I had to measure your confidence… I only wanted to connect with you because of who you were, not how confident you were.

I don’t think there is much work that needs to be done here with you! What do you think?

Why don’t you turn your focus on what you want to do in your life rather than creating an inexistent problem and then trying to fix it?

As a coach, I’d refuse to work with you on building your confidence! Haha!

I’d say, OK, Felicia, is there anything else here? What do you want to create today?

Let’s have fun, let’s create something beautiful today and at the end of the day, I guarantee you’ll certainly feel fulfilled, happy, accomplished and … oh yes, that one too… confident!

But who cares… at the end of the day, you wouldn’t care either…

~ To all women who became confident by being them and are now on a mission to empower other women to do so.

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Moving towards happiness VS Running away from unhappiness


My Client: Angelos, my goal is to lose weight.

Me: No, your goal is not to lose weight. As far as I know you, your goal here is to be fit, eat healthy, fresh, delicious food, feel good, more energised, stronger, happier. What are you going to do then?

My Client: I’ll do 100 squats today, I’ll go running tomorrow, I’ll get some healthy stuff and put them in the fridge for when I feel like having a snack! Yea… I now get what you mean! I’m excited!

I’m always here to remind my people that we’re not running away from anything. We’re not fixing anything here. We’re not solving problems.

We’re not running away from excessive weight, drinking, a boss who’s driving us nuts, a job we hate.

Working on fixing a problem blocks your creativity. It makes you go round something that needs to be fixed. Something that shouldn’t be there in the first place. Until it’s fixed, you are frustrated!
OK, I’ve fixed myself now! I can go on with my life and start creating again, right?

– I have created something amazing in my life. It feels wonderful! – Oh really? But you had some issue that you wanted to fix, no? – What issue? What do you mean?

In this group, we are CREATORS. We’re creating something that’s 100 times bigger, more exciting, more valuable than just solving a problem or “fixing” ourselves.

What we’re moving towards is so big that will exterminate all the “problems” we thought we had to fix. If there’s something bothering us, it will disappear because of what we will create!

My goal is to help 100 people create the impossible this year, craft their dream career, build a business, create what they’ve always been postponing, something beautiful for themselves and the world!

I’m moving towards that vision every single day! This vision is driving me like anything else! My “self” is not there in that vision! The more I lose myself in the service of my people, the more I find myself! Remember the quote by Mahatma Gandhi?

I do have a personal goal too. Yes, I do. I want to build a big beautiful house near the sea. And then invite all those 100 people to my house, to hug each one of them for a few seconds, to celebrate with them, to swim with them, to have dinner together, to sing and play the guitar on the beach around the fire.

My dear friends, what do you want to move towards?

With fierce loving,

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Making everything to work in your favour

Robert used to have a successful Internet business.

But because of his drinking addiction 🍷, his business went down. He almost lost all his clients.

After two years of constant struggle, Robert managed to win the battle against alcohol.

But the problem now is that he needs to start all over again and find new clients for his business.

At least this is what he thought.

This is what I wrote to him: “Why don’t you contact those clients that you think ‘you’ve lost forever’ because of your addiction?

I’d be honest with them, share my story and ask for a second chance. I would give them the whole truth about myself as if they were my best friends.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they started asking you about how you managed to go sober rather than the work you do! You may be able to help them too!

A few days later Robert closed $2.5K in business from those old contact he thought he had “lost forever”. ☺️

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Getting creative and loving the unlovable!

What if you learned to love the things that you always thought were unlovable?

Just got off the phone with a very successful and capable advocate lawyer.

She said to me this profession is not easy. I’m sure it’s not!

She also said that the law she practices in her country is based on counterarguments.

Her work is all about defending her clients against any counterargument that the opposition will come up with.

That sounds stressful at first sight, doesn’t it?

You want to protect your clients and yourself against these counterarguments.

An advocate’s success, reputation, and career all seem to be perfectly correlated with fighting back counterarguments.

But, think about it.

What if one managed to love a counterargument when they were served one?

What if one saw the counterargument as a way to come up with a creative counterargument themselves?

What if a counterargument were always the way to the truth and a healthy system of justice?

What if one got inspired and loved the person who comes up with a strong counterargument?

We stayed a little longer at that last question.

Can someone “love” the advocate of the opposition?

My knowledge in law is so little. Excuse me for my ignorance and, please, if you know more help me see clearly.

The person who comes up with a counterargument is another person who’s trying to do their job as well as they can. They are like you!

But the more I’m thinking about it, the more I feel this goes further than law!

When you get to love the counterarguments of the opposition, you get to love the game, you’re in flow, you’re in love with the process.

There is no ego, there is no expectation.

This is the question that comes to mind now:

Can you get inspired by what you thought was your enemy?

Tell me what you hear.

With love,


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