
I’m blessed to be coaching people like Yazan

I’m blessed to be coaching people like Yazan.

He launched his online business a few months ago and he just got his first big client. A dream client!

It took him 4 months to build a relationship with his client and get their trust.

We worked on building a serving mindset, on giving unconditional value, on forgetting ourselves and our wants while being professional.

Our work was a meditation into the world of Yazan’s client. This is what it was.

We came up with outside the box ideas! We turned every stone upside down to find solutions and we did!

Yazan forgot that he needed to get clients ASAP. We only focused on solving the riddle for his potential client.

Building a business becomes easy when you forget yourself and focus only on your client’s problem.

I remember Yazan coming back worried one day… “I don’t know what’s going on. She is not responsive any more.”

“Keep providing value”, I said. “She’s just busy with the wrong things. Bring her attention to what matters, to what she really needs to do for her business. You’re here to show her the way, to lead her.”

And this is what Yazan did. He took action. He owned the game.

And one day the dream client called Yazan and asked him: “When are we going to start then?”🎉🎉🎉


Exciting times. I’m just so proud of my people. So passionate about my people.

These are my lovely, brilliant and powerful people.

What is your role then, Angelos?

I’m there for them to remind them how brilliant they are.

I’m there for them to kill any self-limiting thoughts that may interrupt their creative work.

I’m just there for them.

And they can feel I’m there for them.

And they keep going.

And they get what they deserve.

To all the people who let me be there for them while they’re climbing their mountains,

Angelos ❤️

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11K Subscribers and 1 Million Views

11k subscribers-1million views

I realised I’ve reached 𝟏𝟏𝐊 subscribers and more than 𝟏 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 views on YouTube.

But is the end goal really subscribers and views?

I started my journey on YouTube 4 years ago.

Back then I was hungry for followers, likes and views.

Today all I want is to form deep relationships with people.

The point of sharing your message online is to connect with like-minded people, to interact with them, get on the same boat with them because you want to enjoy the journey together.

You don’t need thousands on your boat!

A few is enough! One is enough!

If you manage to attract ONLY ONE person to your life through your creative work, whatever that work is, videos, articles, paintings, photography, singing, etc. that’s enough!

If you manage to inspire ONLY ONE person with your work and that person takes some action that makes his life better, then your work has completed its mission!

Has it occurred to you when someone comes across your article, video, or any creation and reaches out to you, to just say “Thank you, that helped me so much, it was what I needed!”

And then you come closer to that person, you build a relationship, you probably become friends… Isn’t that fascinating?

Isn’t that rewarding enough to keep you creating without expecting anything else in return?

Someone once told me that YouTube was not working for him. He had only 150 subscribers.

I told him… imagine you’re on the stage of a room with all your 150 subscribers. They’re looking at you in your eyes, waiting for you to share your message, your creative art, they’re looking forward to getting inspired by you and you say…

“Sorry, YouTube is not working for me. You’re not enough. I have to stop” and you walk out of that room.

I’ll not say anything else. I’ll leave you to think about all this.

I just want to dedicate these words to my two clients Tom Pandolfino and Luke Tamminga who both quit their high paying corporate jobs in order to follow their true purpose in life and become language teachers. Both are only 25. Tom is in London, Luke is in California.

Because one day I decided to quit my high paying corporate job.

Because one day I decided to make a video.

Because one day Luke and Tom happened to watch that video.

Because one day Luke and Tom will be inspiring others to follow their true purpose.

All this makes me think that it was worth making that video…

With all my love,


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On suffering and … the Power of Deep Listening.

** This is a fascinating story by Elsie Spittle, a great coach and spiritual teacher **

A client of mine was really suffering on behalf of her sister who was suffering on behalf of her son who was going through a contentious divorce. The mother of the son was struggling because of the pain her son was going through and shared this pain with her sister who took on the suffering.

I said to my client that there are many people who are going through the same suffering. I’ve gone through the same pain with my son and his contentious divorce but that suffering didn’t serve me well. That suffering doesn’t serve humanity well! I generalised to show that we’re all the same and suffering doesn’t serve us well. There is another way to find answers and help things resolve!

So, while my client was sharing her struggles with me, I asked her: “Is your suffering serving you well?”

And she paused.

And I listened to the pause.

There was so much in the pause.

In the past, I probably would have overwritten the pause and carried on teaching and sharing my understanding about why suffering doesn’t serve us well.

But for some reason, at that moment, I heard the pause. I saw the value in that pause. I saw that pause was her wisdom. And after the pause, she said: “No. I don’t get any relief from my suffering…”.

And she paused again.

Only then we were able to explore that pause and see what it meant and have a soul-to-soul conversation.

That pause, that soul-to-soul connection softened her beliefs without me saying to her: “Look, you have this belief and that belief, and we need to look at them…” It wasn’t that kind of education! It was more the soul-to-soul education based on listening…

Sometimes listening may not even have words!

Words get in the way…

sad woman

PS: I was going to share my interpretation of this story, my takeaways, the way I see it! I don’t have to. I shouldn’t do it. I must not do it. I’ll pause and let you think for yourself. Angelos.

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Coaching is inherently disruptive


Coaching is inherently disruptive.

It deconstructs your “realities”.

A form of loving disruption though ❤️⚡… because if a coach doesn’t care about you, if you can’t feel their care, you’re not gonna let them f*** with the stories you tell yourself in the way that this requires them to.

A coach isn’t trying to disrupt your realities on purpose!

It’s just disruptive to see that everything you thought was true… isn’t. It’s disruptive to see that your experience is not … the reality.

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Gaslight – attempt to make (someone) believe that he or she is going insane (as by subjecting that person to a series of experiences that have no rational explanation).

Have you been gaslighted at work?

Someone constantly questioning your abilities to do your work, to lead your team, to communicate, to perform the simplest tasks like writing an email… to the point that you start questioning yourself and going insane?

Awesome podcast by Rashim Mogha on spotting whether you are being gaslighted and what to do to about it.

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Who gave you that dream job?

I got into investment banking when Sean N. MacGloin gave me that job right there at that square near Bank Station in the City of London.

During my last trip to London, I was passing nearby that place and thought to film a short video to express that gratitude.

When somebody gives you a job, they allow you to enter their world, to live life together! Yes, to live life together! This is how I see it.

I can’t describe how I felt by spending some time there at that square after 8 years.

Blessed and grateful for the past. Hopeful, optimistic, strong, excited about the future.

Because that’s the effect of gratitude. It bridges the past with the future! It fills your soul with serenity, optimism, motivation, strength and all the other good things that are necessary for moving forward.

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