Social Media

11K Subscribers and 1 Million Views

11k subscribers-1million views

I realised I’ve reached 𝟏𝟏𝐊 subscribers and more than 𝟏 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 views on YouTube.

But is the end goal really subscribers and views?

I started my journey on YouTube 4 years ago.

Back then I was hungry for followers, likes and views.

Today all I want is to form deep relationships with people.

The point of sharing your message online is to connect with like-minded people, to interact with them, get on the same boat with them because you want to enjoy the journey together.

You don’t need thousands on your boat!

A few is enough! One is enough!

If you manage to attract ONLY ONE person to your life through your creative work, whatever that work is, videos, articles, paintings, photography, singing, etc. that’s enough!

If you manage to inspire ONLY ONE person with your work and that person takes some action that makes his life better, then your work has completed its mission!

Has it occurred to you when someone comes across your article, video, or any creation and reaches out to you, to just say “Thank you, that helped me so much, it was what I needed!”

And then you come closer to that person, you build a relationship, you probably become friends… Isn’t that fascinating?

Isn’t that rewarding enough to keep you creating without expecting anything else in return?

Someone once told me that YouTube was not working for him. He had only 150 subscribers.

I told him… imagine you’re on the stage of a room with all your 150 subscribers. They’re looking at you in your eyes, waiting for you to share your message, your creative art, they’re looking forward to getting inspired by you and you say…

“Sorry, YouTube is not working for me. You’re not enough. I have to stop” and you walk out of that room.

I’ll not say anything else. I’ll leave you to think about all this.

I just want to dedicate these words to my two clients Tom Pandolfino and Luke Tamminga who both quit their high paying corporate jobs in order to follow their true purpose in life and become language teachers. Both are only 25. Tom is in London, Luke is in California.

Because one day I decided to quit my high paying corporate job.

Because one day I decided to make a video.

Because one day Luke and Tom happened to watch that video.

Because one day Luke and Tom will be inspiring others to follow their true purpose.

All this makes me think that it was worth making that video…

With all my love,


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Social Media are a means, not an end.


It happens to me all the time.

When you’re looking for a good book on how to harness the power of social media, what do you normally do?

You open up Amazon and search for “Hack Social Media”, “Social Media Marketing Secrets”, etc.

Well, the answer often lies in a book on a totally different subject.

This is the best “secret” I’ve found about social media: “It’s not about social media, it’s about the story, the story that matters or the story that entertains”.

We get obsessed with going viral. We often think that a horizontal bar on the top of the video will skyrocket engagements, the subs will increase the watch time by 15%, we spend hours on targetting the right people within the right radius, chatboxes, AI … Bollocks.

What do you want to communicate? Does it matter? Will it inspire? Will it entertain? Will it give hope? Answer the right questions.

The best post I’ve ever done for a client was just a story and a picture. No click to action buttons, no animated stuff, no bullshit. Just a f&*$%£$ awesome story which touched people hearts. Not on purpose! It was a 100% genuine story.

The book is called Thrive. The chapter is called Wisdom. The author is Arianna Huffington. This lady knows her stuff. She created the Huffington Post and sold it for $315 million, she knows stories, she knows social media.

Kindness and smiles,

Angelos Georgakis

PS: Don’t read only men authors. Women have their own unique perspective which is … right, most of the times!

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