Achieving a goal should be like a bubble rising up to the surface

GOALS – Working towards a goal should feel like a bubble coming up to the surface.

Slowly. Steadily. Effortlessly. Gracefully.

You can’t achieve a goal if your whole identity is invested in a future expectation of yourself. Forcing the bubble to go up faster will only break the bubble and sabotage your entire mission.

When you are unattached, you know in the core of your being that you are sufficient without any changes, additions, or deletions. You allow the object of your desire to come to you without any force, pressure, or control. Unattachment means that it is acceptable for the goal to manifest, and it is equally okay for the bubble to split into hundreds of little bubbles before reaching the surface. Unattachment means that you’re living in the present while working towards your goal.

You can be free, sufficient and fulfilled without the manifestation of the goal. And it’s then when the goal manifests. It’s a paradox, isn’t it? The paradox of wanting something too much and not wanting it simultaneously. And it’s the role of a coach to make sure you’re always at the right spot of wanting it and not wanting it enough.

Do you have a big goal you want to achieve?

Let’s work together and see the bubble reach the surface.


water bubbles rising up

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