Learning myths and the reality

LEARNING MYTHS and … the reality!

I’m currently reading Kelly Palmer‘s new book Expertise Economy. Pay attention, please!

MYTH 1 – People use only 10% of their brains.
REALITY 1 – You use almost the entire capacity of your brain.

MYTH 2 – People are either right-brain thinkers or left-brain thinkers.
REALITY 2 – The left and right parts of the brain do not function completely separately and learning has nothing to do with the hemispheres of your brain.

MYTH 3 – People have an optimal channel, visual, auditory, etc. through which they learn.
REALITY 3 – People use as many channels to learn as they can access. Learning becomes more effective when all the senses are combined into the learning experience.

MYTH 4 – There are certain windows of learning and when these windows have closed, there is no chance of them being reopened again.
REALITY 4 – People can learn new things at any age! The neuroplasticity of our brain allows us to learn new things and build new skills all throughout our lives.

BOOK here – https://amzn.to/2JrP4sQ

the expertise economy

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