I found a lot of answers in this book

A great book about intelligence analysis which taught me a lot of things!

This is probably one of my top 5 books 📚. I first read it 10 years ago when serving in the army. Although this book is intended for intelligence analysts who want to understand why and how they make inferences, this book can teach you human relationships, marketing, the secrets of a happy marriage, mindset, politics, economy, and … life!

I’ve taken a screenshot below to give you an example. Suppose some country A does something that has some unfavourable implications for country B. Country B instantly concludes that Country A did that to harm Country B. Hang on! That may be some secondary or tertiary effect of Country A’s action, or the result of some other player’s involvement (Country C), or pure coincidence! How many times have you thought, “That person did that because he doesn’t like me!” Are you 100% sure your that person took certain deliberate action because he doesn’t like you?

Daniel Kahneman wrote Thinking Fast and Slow, a fantastic book (probably the most famous book) on the way we make inferences but if you’d like to read something different try Richards Heuer’s book, Psychology of Intelligence Analysis. You can download it from the CIA’s website here. You’ll love it!

PS: – Talking to myself – We often tend to read the same and the same books, we’re after best-sellers, the top 10 marketing books, the top 10 psychology books, etc. However, a few times, the answer might be hidden where you don’t expect it to be. Be different. Be curious.


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