The sea has made me a better coach


The sea has made me a better coach.

The sea is another coach of mine!

The sea is my muse!

Seeing this beauty every single day… inspires me to do good, to serve my people, to do work that matters, to live every day intensely.

I transact with the sea every single day in my life now.

And you know what?

All transactions with this beauty are credit ones!

The sea credits me with inspiration.

I take this inspiration and I give it to my clients.

I am only … the middle man! 🙂

Think about it…

If something as beautiful as this exists, my clients’ life can get as beautiful as this!

Everything is possible for them to create … just like … this beautiful creation itself!

To be precise, this is how it works…

When I see this beauty, I’m confident enough to convince my clients that their life is as beautiful!

NOW! Today! Right now! Without them changing anything!

And when they realise that…

When they see that beauty themselves…

The beauty that they couldn’t see before…

They are ready to make their lives even more beautiful, ie. achieve whatever change they want in their lives…

Sometimes (even better) they realise they don’t’ have to change anything…

They just couldn’t see that beauty…

They couldn’t see the sea inside them…

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