Do you follow these blogging marketing strategies?


Joe Pulizzi in the book Epic Content Marketing explains the secrets of creating a successful blog (Click here to for book info).

1) Encourage conversations.

2) Hang out on other blogs.

3) Loosen up. Express a personal opinion. Be authentic.

It’s essential to define well your audience.

4) Who will be your reader?

5) What are your reader’s needs?

6) What keywords is your reader searching for? Follow these using Google Alerts.

7) Do you contribute to the conversation on the places your readers hang out? Do you leave comments there?

8) You should have consistency. Can you commit yourself to publish an article twice a week? The worst thing you can do is to start and stop later.

9) Use killer titles. Controversial titles are also good. Make titles based on what people search on Google (Use Google Keyword Planner for this).

10) Don’t use too much bluff in your posts. Less is more. Remember: Edit Edit Edit before posting.

11) Each post should have a call to action. What do you want reader to do after they read your post? A call to action can be to download an ebook, to sign up to your newsletter, to follow your social media page, etc.

12) The blog post should be written in such a way so the content can be repackaged later to an ebook, a course, something more substantial. Plan ahead for that.

13) Guest post on other similar blogs. Choose the top 15 in your niche. Never turn down an opportunity to do a guest post.

14) Measure with Google Analytics. What are the most popular posts? Do people sign up? On what page?

15) Outsource. Most successful blogs outsource content. You can’t do everything on your own.

16) Refer people to good quality content that’s not yours. Always focus on adding value to your people.

What other strategies do you think are successful?

Leave a comment below!

Kindness and smiles,


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