You don’t find your passion; You CREATE it!

To find your passion, you have to be willing to look for it.
And when you finally find it, the time spent looking for it was not a waste.
The way I look at this is that your passion is not something you “find” technically.
Instead, you *create* your passion.
You let your passion manifest in your life because of the person you become along the journey towards finding your passion.
Looking for your passion is a dynamic process in which you grow, expose yourself to new experiences, things, people, to life itself.
This journey creates the “passion”.
Because, you, as a person, change while looking for your passion.
You are a different person now than the person who started looking for his passion 5 years ago.
Had you “found” your “passion” (the one you found today) 5 years ago, you would have not seen it!
You had to become the person you are now to be able to recognise your passion.
Had someone said to me 5 years ago that coaching would be my passion, I would have laughed!
Because I was not there yet.
If I had done a BSc. and PhD in “Coaching” (there isn’t such a thing) in my early 20’s, I still wouldn’t be able to coach anyone after graduation!
And even if you could have found your passion earlier, you didn’t waste your time.
Because the person you are now can fuel his passion with 10x more experiences, lessons, wisdom accumulated in the process of finding your passion.
You are the ONLY person who walked all these other unique paths to get to that one destination, ie. your passion.
Others may have got their earlier than you or walked different paths to get there.
You bring things to the table that are unique. That’s your advantage. You didn’t waste your time.
Someone who becomes a teacher after having spent years in the corporate world is a unique teacher!
A former biologist who becomes a doctor is a unique doctor.
A coach who used to be a musician, an engineer, a mathematician, a banker, a marketer, is a unique coach.
Get on this journey of exploration. Be open, curious, try, taste different things.
It’s the only way to find, or better say, create your passion.
Your passion is you, your own unique journey.
Love, Angelos

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