Moving towards happiness VS Running away from unhappiness


My Client: Angelos, my goal is to lose weight.

Me: No, your goal is not to lose weight. As far as I know you, your goal here is to be fit, eat healthy, fresh, delicious food, feel good, more energised, stronger, happier. What are you going to do then?

My Client: I’ll do 100 squats today, I’ll go running tomorrow, I’ll get some healthy stuff and put them in the fridge for when I feel like having a snack! Yea… I now get what you mean! I’m excited!

I’m always here to remind my people that we’re not running away from anything. We’re not fixing anything here. We’re not solving problems.

We’re not running away from excessive weight, drinking, a boss who’s driving us nuts, a job we hate.

Working on fixing a problem blocks your creativity. It makes you go round something that needs to be fixed. Something that shouldn’t be there in the first place. Until it’s fixed, you are frustrated!
OK, I’ve fixed myself now! I can go on with my life and start creating again, right?

– I have created something amazing in my life. It feels wonderful! – Oh really? But you had some issue that you wanted to fix, no? – What issue? What do you mean?

In this group, we are CREATORS. We’re creating something that’s 100 times bigger, more exciting, more valuable than just solving a problem or “fixing” ourselves.

What we’re moving towards is so big that will exterminate all the “problems” we thought we had to fix. If there’s something bothering us, it will disappear because of what we will create!

My goal is to help 100 people create the impossible this year, craft their dream career, build a business, create what they’ve always been postponing, something beautiful for themselves and the world!

I’m moving towards that vision every single day! This vision is driving me like anything else! My “self” is not there in that vision! The more I lose myself in the service of my people, the more I find myself! Remember the quote by Mahatma Gandhi?

I do have a personal goal too. Yes, I do. I want to build a big beautiful house near the sea. And then invite all those 100 people to my house, to hug each one of them for a few seconds, to celebrate with them, to swim with them, to have dinner together, to sing and play the guitar on the beach around the fire.

My dear friends, what do you want to move towards?

With fierce loving,

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