I’m learning from this man!

I’m learning from this man so much every single day working next to him.

He is the one who taught me what relationship means, not just in business, but in life.

The word relationship doesn’t need any adjectives next to it such as deep, strong, meaningful, etc. The word relationship is what it is.

I will not try to give any definition of the word relationship because any definition wouldn’t be enough to explain the word.

Let me give you a few examples instead.

A father or mother has a relationship with their son.

A business owner has a relationship with his client.

A coach has a relationship with the coachee.

It’s the same relationship.

What’s relationship for you?

Love, Angelos

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Who gave you that dream job?

I got into investment banking when Sean N. MacGloin gave me that job right there at that square near Bank Station in the City of London.

During my last trip to London, I was passing nearby that place and thought to film a short video to express that gratitude.

When somebody gives you a job, they allow you to enter their world, to live life together! Yes, to live life together! This is how I see it.

I can’t describe how I felt by spending some time there at that square after 8 years.

Blessed and grateful for the past. Hopeful, optimistic, strong, excited about the future.

Because that’s the effect of gratitude. It bridges the past with the future! It fills your soul with serenity, optimism, motivation, strength and all the other good things that are necessary for moving forward.

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Meeeting an amazing guy on Lefkada

There are amazing people around you who are doing extraordinary things and are there ready to become friends with you, share their story and inspire you!

I met a wonderful couple from South Africa in Lefkada! These two literally blew my mind while I was chilling by the sea with Katya. They appeared out of the blue (literally and metaphorically!!!) and shared with me so many beautiful things!

I got two new friends. I’m looking forward to doing stuff with these two stars.

Inspire me guys!

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How do you get yourself charged?

How do you get yourself charged if you’ve run out of energy? We never forget to charge our mobile phones, we’re always online on Facebook and social media but… What specific steps do you take to make sure your battery is always charged?

Because, your creativity, your resourcefulness, your relationships, your family, your sexual life, the ability to think outside the box, the ability to take right decisions, and the perception of you from all the outside world depends on your battery.

So, what is your charger? How do you get charged back?

I’d love to know!


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Shall I keep hustling or not?


This guy’s net worth would be $660 bn in today’s money (yes, richer than Bezos).

I’m wondering then how “Keep Hustling” has got to become the new motto for success?

Anyone got an idea???

P.S. I’m not assessing this man’s ethics, how he made his fortune, etc. I’m only assessing his words per se.

P.P.S I don’t personally pair success with net worth but I mentioned net worth for those of you who do. I’m OK with that and I believe people use their money for different purposes.

#moneymaking #moneymindset #successtips #productivitytips #motivationalpost #successhabits

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You’re only two words to success! – “What if”

How many times do you have this internal conversation with yourself?

It’s not gonna work…
Let’s try this for the beginning…
They will not answer…
They will not even look at my application…
I should start small, then target those…
I’m not there yet…

WHAT IF it works?

WHAT IF they answer?

WHAT IF you start big?

WHAT IF you’re there already???

Don’t land yourself down! Let life land you instead if that’s your destiny!

You just keep whatif-ing!

One by Tim Ferriss: It’s lonely at the top. Ninety-nine per cent of people in the world are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for the mediocre. The level of competition is thus fiercest for ‘realistic’ goals, paradoxically making them the most time and energy-consuming.

Everybody is after the small fish and the big fish are feeling lonely because no one is ready yet to catch them!! #lonelybigfish #poorbigfish πŸ™‚

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You are Genius and you’ll find YOUR OWN success formula

We’re all looking for the secret formula.

A magic recipe with particular steps x, y, z which will take us from 0 to 6 figures, from unhappy to happy, from 9-5 to successful entrepreneurs, from lonely to loved.

We are convinced that the formula is hidden in a New York Times bestseller, or in ONE course and if we follow the steps explained there in a holy manner we’ll get where we want to get.

We’re all looking for the secret formula.

A magic recipe with particular steps x, y, z which will take us from 0 to 6 figures, from unhappy to happy, from 9-5 to successful entrepreneurs, from lonely to loved.

We are convinced that the formula is hidden in a New York Times bestseller, or in ONE course and if we follow the steps explained there in a holy manner we’ll get where we want to get.

It doesn’t work like that and, thanks to God, it doesn’t, because otherwise, life would be so boring!

What separates those who succeed from those who fail is the ability to do things differently.

If there was ONE formula that everybody could follow to get success, the 9-5 problem or unhappiness would have been solved. We wouldn’t be having chats here on LinkedIn, bestsellers wouldn’t being written every single day, I wouldn’t be filming the video below, and no one would be talking about success stories because everybody would be a success!

Remember, you’re not the same person as the author who wrote that bestselling book on how to get success. You have different values, personality, interests, passions.

The author of the bestseller is a genius, that formula worked for him, he did it and helped others to do it but, still, that doesn’t mean that his formula will work for you.

Be OK with that and I promise you that when you stop looking for the secret recipe, you will get more curious, more open and you’ll see your secret formula surface from deep inside you. Because this is where it’s hidden.

I’m not saying “Don’t listen to the author of the book”! Get insights, try stuff but do also your own experiments, go crazy!

You’re a genius yourself and every genius in life will have to find his own way to his own truth.

When I coach people, million secret formulas are coming to my head. I want to help my clients and shout “Hey, try this, try that, that’s what you have to do!”. Still, I keep silent. I shut my mouth.

My role is to ask the right questions, the deep questions so the genius I’m coaching finds the answers themselves, the answers that nobody else has given before…


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How to Stop Thinking about Work


These are some notes I sent to a client on how to stop thinking about work when you’re at home with your family, friends, etc.

1) The statement “Don’t think about work” or “Don’t check your phone” needs to be converted to a “Do this specific thing instead”. Our habit system learns a new action only when you perform an action, not when you don’t. So, focus on something very specific that you’ll do instead. Spend time with the kids is not a good one for example. Turn that to “I will read to them the book I bought yesterday, then we’ll do yoga together for 30min, we’ll do breathing together for 10min, etc.” The best thing is that activities like these get installed in their brains forever! You do your yoga, you help yourself relax (you need it anyway) and at the same time, you put the seeds of good habits in your kids’ brain early on in their lives. Remember, kids, learn only by example. They are like monkeys!Β And when kids go to bed, what are you going to do? Again, be very specific, read a book, create a nice atmosphere with essential oils and meditate again, etc.

2) If there are still work thoughts that keep bugging you, keep a notebook handy. Set a timer for 10min and write down everything that’s bothering you. It’s very helpful to get things that bother you outside of you. That works perfectly with thoughts that reflect anxieties rather than specific tasks that you haven’t finished yet. πŸ˜‰

3) Work-free environment. Don’t just put your phone to silent mode but switch it off, put it in the closet and lock the closet in a room far away from you. You can ask your daughter to hide it and give it back to you after two hours! We once tried this with someone, his daughter fell asleep and we couldn’t find the phone until next morning, in which case, it worked even better for us! πŸ™‚ haha

4) Another lesson from cognitive therapy. The more you stay away from work or phone and realise that this doesn’t actually hurt you (you can do it and feels good), the easier it gets to stick to the habit. The more you expose yourself to a scary situation, the less threatening the situation looks. So try to do 2 hours with your phone, then a phone-free evening, then a phone-free Sunday, etc.

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