To those who’re making good “bread”…


This is what happened today in the bakery shop… 

… that fueled my inspiration and desire to do better work.

I recently discovered the best bakery shop in my town.

They make delicious bread there. 🍞

I mean… I can just have their bread for lunch!

Their bread with some Lefkadian extra virgin olive oil!

Really dangerous bread!

But what’s even more dangerous is that Anthoulla, the owner of the bakery, always makes sure she throws some more of her creations into my bread bag saying…

“That’s on me! You pay only for the bread!”

And when my wife is with me… her generosity can go crazy!

“How are you, my Katya? Here’s a pumpkin pie for you to try!”

Sometimes I feel all the extra bonuses cost more than the bread I pay for! It’s getting uncomfortable! 🙂

Today as I was waiting in the queue… this picture on the wall caught my attention.

Here you can see the first founders of the bakery, ie. Anthoulla’s dad and her late mom.

The picture was taken in 2004 when Anthoulla’s parents got an award for the best olive oil cookies, a traditional recipe of our island.

– Do you see that lady? That’s my mom, Papanti, said Anthoula. She was a sweet and kind lady. Not because she was my mom…everyone used to say that.

– I’m sure she was. I can tell, I replied.

– Whatever you see here… everything is her own recipes! She passed away four years ago.

– Well, she’s still with us Anthoulla, I replied. Look, you’re still making her bread, her bread is on our tables every day, Katya loved the pumpkin pie last week, you and I are talking about her right now. I just took a picture of her, she’s in my phone. And… I can see Papanti in you.

– Yes, Angelos. She’s still here. You’re right!

Anthoulla smiled and then tears started rolling down her face.


I’m writing this about Papanti right now.

Papanti inspired me today.

And although I don’t run a bakery shop, I make bread every day for my clients. We make bread together!

My bread is the love I give to my people, every interaction I have with them is another olive oil cookie, a cookie of love, a piece of me.

All this makes me think…

Our bread, our work, our vision, whatever we decide to do with our time, can have an imprint on the world that will stay here and can change the world even when we’ll be gone.

Our bread can change the way others think about their own bread.

Your bread can help others make better bread.

“Our work can change the entropy of the system forever. The limited time we live in this life can shift the world to a new direction forever”, as MIT Prof. Constantinos Daskalakis once said.

Tell me what you hear.

If you relate to all this, what do you want to do?

To all those who’re always striving to make better bread,


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