
You don’t find your passion; You CREATE it!

To find your passion, you have to be willing to look for it.
And when you finally find it, the time spent looking for it was not a waste.
The way I look at this is that your passion is not something you “find” technically.
Instead, you *create* your passion.
You let your passion manifest in your life because of the person you become along the journey towards finding your passion.
Looking for your passion is a dynamic process in which you grow, expose yourself to new experiences, things, people, to life itself.
This journey creates the “passion”.
Because, you, as a person, change while looking for your passion.
You are a different person now than the person who started looking for his passion 5 years ago.
Had you “found” your “passion” (the one you found today) 5 years ago, you would have not seen it!
You had to become the person you are now to be able to recognise your passion.
Had someone said to me 5 years ago that coaching would be my passion, I would have laughed!
Because I was not there yet.
If I had done a BSc. and PhD in “Coaching” (there isn’t such a thing) in my early 20’s, I still wouldn’t be able to coach anyone after graduation!
And even if you could have found your passion earlier, you didn’t waste your time.
Because the person you are now can fuel his passion with 10x more experiences, lessons, wisdom accumulated in the process of finding your passion.
You are the ONLY person who walked all these other unique paths to get to that one destination, ie. your passion.
Others may have got their earlier than you or walked different paths to get there.
You bring things to the table that are unique. That’s your advantage. You didn’t waste your time.
Someone who becomes a teacher after having spent years in the corporate world is a unique teacher!
A former biologist who becomes a doctor is a unique doctor.
A coach who used to be a musician, an engineer, a mathematician, a banker, a marketer, is a unique coach.
Get on this journey of exploration. Be open, curious, try, taste different things.
It’s the only way to find, or better say, create your passion.
Your passion is you, your own unique journey.
Love, Angelos

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The sea has made me a better coach


The sea has made me a better coach.

The sea is another coach of mine!

The sea is my muse!

Seeing this beauty every single day… inspires me to do good, to serve my people, to do work that matters, to live every day intensely.

I transact with the sea every single day in my life now.

And you know what?

All transactions with this beauty are credit ones!

The sea credits me with inspiration.

I take this inspiration and I give it to my clients.

I am only … the middle man! 🙂

Think about it…

If something as beautiful as this exists, my clients’ life can get as beautiful as this!

Everything is possible for them to create … just like … this beautiful creation itself!

To be precise, this is how it works…

When I see this beauty, I’m confident enough to convince my clients that their life is as beautiful!

NOW! Today! Right now! Without them changing anything!

And when they realise that…

When they see that beauty themselves…

The beauty that they couldn’t see before…

They are ready to make their lives even more beautiful, ie. achieve whatever change they want in their lives…

Sometimes (even better) they realise they don’t’ have to change anything…

They just couldn’t see that beauty…

They couldn’t see the sea inside them…

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Here’s the best advice I can give myself and my people

How many times, when you have a problem, you keep bearing down on it and trying to figure it out…

We all do it and yet it is a futile task.

There isn’t anything there to figure out.

Never can be an answer in trying to figure it out.

Because new insight is the answer.

And all we do by trying to figure it out is we keep our head cluttered with all this other stuff that’s not allowing new insight to come up.

Our thinking is holding down wisdom from popping up to the surface.

How different is it trying to figure it out from forgetting it?

Could there be two more diametrically opposed things than trying to figure it out and forgetting it?

And by forgetting it I mean taking it off our minds and going about our business.

Going for a walk. Stop engaging with it for a while.

And when our minds clear on their own, we see something new…

And in some cases, the problem is not there any more.

It was never a real problem…

Much love, Angelos

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There is still a beautiful garden in front of you… can you see it?


I just finished a 3-hour coaching call with my client, a brilliant individual who has really high standards for herself!

She was so frustrated today because she thinks she’s not good enough, she’s not doing enough, and not well enough, and not confident enough and not enough, and enough enough!!!

I was having such a hard time trying to slow her down and convince her that her “not enough” was actually “so much”!

At one moment I interrupted her and said:

– I’ve got such a beautiful garden in front of me. Can you hear the wind? Can you hear the leaves? Can you hear the cicadas?

– Yes… I can… I’ve got a beautiful garden in front of me too! Let me switch on my camera!

And then silence… And more silence… <3

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How do you get yourself charged?

How do you get yourself charged if you’ve run out of energy? We never forget to charge our mobile phones, we’re always online on Facebook and social media but… What specific steps do you take to make sure your battery is always charged?

Because, your creativity, your resourcefulness, your relationships, your family, your sexual life, the ability to think outside the box, the ability to take right decisions, and the perception of you from all the outside world depends on your battery.

So, what is your charger? How do you get charged back?

I’d love to know!


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You’re only two words to success! – “What if”

How many times do you have this internal conversation with yourself?

It’s not gonna work…
Let’s try this for the beginning…
They will not answer…
They will not even look at my application…
I should start small, then target those…
I’m not there yet…

WHAT IF it works?

WHAT IF they answer?

WHAT IF you start big?

WHAT IF you’re there already???

Don’t land yourself down! Let life land you instead if that’s your destiny!

You just keep whatif-ing!

One by Tim Ferriss: It’s lonely at the top. Ninety-nine per cent of people in the world are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for the mediocre. The level of competition is thus fiercest for ‘realistic’ goals, paradoxically making them the most time and energy-consuming.

Everybody is after the small fish and the big fish are feeling lonely because no one is ready yet to catch them!! #lonelybigfish #poorbigfish 🙂

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What’s the key to making progress?

Helping hand, Rescue, Black and white image.

A friend asked me the following question on FB the other day. I thought the answer might be useful to others and decided to share it here on LD.

Question: What’s the key to making progress?

I’m not a guru. I don’t have all the answers. I’m just getting better every day, facing my fears, and aligning my course a tiny bit of an angle with my definition of meaning and purpose. Because that’s not easy. It takes courage.

So, my Answer:

I’d say this: there is a path of the least resistance for each one of us. That’s the path where we find meaning. You’ve got to choose that path at all costs and go all the way. You’re gonna face a ton of challenges but what will keep you there is that meaning.

The other thing is to find pleasure in helping others. All around say give, give value, but you have to find pleasure in giving value to others and solving their problems, spending your precious time for solving the problems of others without expecting anything back. That goes against our genes. We’re inherently selfish, we care about our own survival and existence and that’s OK of course to a certain extent. Giving value without expecting anything back takes practice. Lots of practice. And then it becomes addictive. You want it badly. And all of a sudden, just because you’ve provided value genuinely this time people give value back to you. And this is contagious. These people will do the same when interacting with other people.
PS: I’m just learning and getting better. I’ve got a lot of work to do myself. This was just some realisations from my experience especially in the last 5 years since I quit my job in investment banking and went on to set up my business. The way towards mastery takes a whole life. 🙂


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Friends VS Money. What makes you happier?


Hey guys,

Connected. Insanely good book. I’m only 50 pages into it and it’s already blown me away.

So, this is what I wanted to share with you.

You’ve got 15% more chances of being happy if you’re directly connected to a friend who is happy! 😊 😊 😊

You’ve got 10% more chances of being happy if your friend’s friend is happy (2 degrees of separation)! 😊 😊

And 6% more chances if the friend of a friend of a friend is happy (3 degrees of separation)! 😊

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