Author: angelos

Friends VS Money. What makes you happier?


Hey guys,

Connected. Insanely good book. I’m only 50 pages into it and it’s already blown me away.

So, this is what I wanted to share with you.

You’ve got 15% more chances of being happy if you’re directly connected to a friend who is happy! 😊 😊 😊

You’ve got 10% more chances of being happy if your friend’s friend is happy (2 degrees of separation)! 😊 😊

And 6% more chances if the friend of a friend of a friend is happy (3 degrees of separation)! 😊

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Social Media are a means, not an end.


It happens to me all the time.

When you’re looking for a good book on how to harness the power of social media, what do you normally do?

You open up Amazon and search for “Hack Social Media”, “Social Media Marketing Secrets”, etc.

Well, the answer often lies in a book on a totally different subject.

This is the best “secret” I’ve found about social media: “It’s not about social media, it’s about the story, the story that matters or the story that entertains”.

We get obsessed with going viral. We often think that a horizontal bar on the top of the video will skyrocket engagements, the subs will increase the watch time by 15%, we spend hours on targetting the right people within the right radius, chatboxes, AI … Bollocks.

What do you want to communicate? Does it matter? Will it inspire? Will it entertain? Will it give hope? Answer the right questions.

The best post I’ve ever done for a client was just a story and a picture. No click to action buttons, no animated stuff, no bullshit. Just a f&*$%£$ awesome story which touched people hearts. Not on purpose! It was a 100% genuine story.

The book is called Thrive. The chapter is called Wisdom. The author is Arianna Huffington. This lady knows her stuff. She created the Huffington Post and sold it for $315 million, she knows stories, she knows social media.

Kindness and smiles,

Angelos Georgakis

PS: Don’t read only men authors. Women have their own unique perspective which is … right, most of the times!

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Coaching – How do you pass a growth mindset on?


A few notes here from Carol Dweck’s book Mindset.

It’s surprising but a parent/teacher who holds a growth-mindset doesn’t necessarily pass it on to their children/students.

Praise (when things go well). If you praise a child’s ability without focusing on the learning process, you send a signal that it’s all about the inherited ability and not the growth. Even parents with a growth mindset do that.

Reaction to setbacks (when things don’t go well). If a parent reacts with anxiety or concern to their children’s failures, they promote a fixed mindset. Even when they gloss over the failure, ie. they don’t show interest into what was the issue and how it can be improved, they show that failure is an issue and there’s nothing you can do about it. Then the children will do anything just not to fail (they can even lie) rather than focus on how to grow.

This, of course, applies to adults too! An adult can also lie in order to hide deficiencies and not look dump. For example, an adult may opt to remain silent in a meeting instead of asking a question about something they don’t know/understand. Dweck mentions Enron as an example of a fixed-mindset corporate culture. An Enron employee was considered a talent, a super-star with great abilities.

An amazing conclusion: You don’t have to explicitly say to someone “You should have a growth mindset. Look at this as an opportunity to learn!” You can foster the growth mindset on the subconscious level. How?

Show genuine interest in the setback: “Tell me more about it. What do you think happened here? How can we fix this? Do you think if we did _____ would fix the problem?”

And then…

Treat setbacks as opportunities for learning: That was a challenge, we learned something new today, that was interesting, that was fun, etc.

The approach above sends a signal that abilities are not fixed but they can be developed.

Don’t praise intelligence or talent. By doing so you make their confidence more fragile when they face a setback next time. Well, they’ll think that there is as much talent as there is, you can’t do anything about it. However, when you focus on the processes, the strategy, effort, choices, you convey a message that you have control over all this stuff if you want to get better.

A coach who says that this student has a fixed mindset and is hard to work with says that “I’m a fixed-mindset coach who doesn’t believe in growth but fixed abilities”.

Something that amazes me is that actions speak louder than words. You prove with your actions and your enquiry that someone can be developed. That’s the whole point.




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You may have 0 clients but you’ve got hunger


To all those who started a business and haven’t got a client yet:

You may have 0 clients at the moment but you’ve got HUNGER!

You can give your clients way more value than a fancy established business that will charge them an arm and a leg for their generic “gold” service package.

You may only have one old MacBook Air and an iPhone SE but YOU will care about your client MORE than any established business out there with fancy offices.

Because you will be there to text them back on Whatsapp when the fancy business closes on Saturday.

Say that to the people you reach out to and have doubts about your ability to deliver value.

You’re hungry. That’s all you need to get your first clients.

The screenshot is from the book Mindset.

Kindness and smiles,

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My Notes on Marketing

Here you’ll find my notes on marketing. I’ll be forever updating this article. I hope you’ll find something useful here.

Market with the end in mind. Let’s say you’ve created a course. Don’t talk too much about the features of the course, ie. how they will get access to the material, how many hours of video you’ve created, the different topics, etc. Explain how their life will change with your course. So, it’s not about the features of your course (you) – it’s about how they will get better (them).

People buy from people they like. You have to be likeable. How? People like those who are willing to sacrifice themselves to give to other people. ‘I don’t do this for money. I care for people like you’. Let’s say you’ve just started a new business. Be honest. ‘Listen, you’re my first client. I may not have results to show but you’ll have my full attention.” With my product/service I want to change _____ (put whatever you do here) and I want to start with you”.

A confused mind doesn’t buy. You need to be assertive when you explain what your product/service does. If you’re not sure whether this will work for them, they will sense it and they simply won’t buy. Show you believe in your product. Give a 100% refund guarantee. There will be those who will take advantage of your refund policy but who cares? This is something you lose in order to get more. In any case, if someone took advantage of your refund policy and enjoyed the benefits of your product without paying. Still, you’ve done something good for them. They may recommend your product to someone else. They’ll be grateful to you. A few times, authors and creators deliberately upload their books and resources on torrent sites to create buzz and brand awareness.

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Morgan Housel’s Gems on Money, Business, Investing and Life


Below, you’ll find a few quotes and thoughts by one of my favourite financial writers, Morgan Housel. Read this guy, his writing and views are enlightening.

Golden Nuggets

Past a certain level of income, what you need is just what sits below your ego. One of the most powerful ways to increase your savings isn’t to raise your income, but your humility.

The value of wealth is relative to what you need. Since people require vastly different amounts of spending to get by each month, $1 of savings to one person is worth something totally different to another.

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This Buffett shareholder letter will blow your mind

Buffett's letter to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway

I was on the train the other day reading a Warren Buffett’s shareholder letter.

It’s a 23-page report and towards the end, you get the typical humble Buffett-style “Some thoughts about investing”.

Whaaaaat? Some thoughts about investing? Are you kidding me, Buffett?

That was the most mind-blowing piece of writing about investing I’ve ever read!

In this letter, Buffett uses two successful real estate investments that he did long ago to explain his entire philosophy about investing. The first investment was a farm in Nebraska and the second was some real estate property in New York.

I will not repeat the stories, I’ll leave a link to the letter at the end. Here, I want to focus on a few powerful take-home points.

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What was Buffett’s biggest mistake?


Do you guys know what was the dumbest stock Warren Buffett ever bought?

Drum roll, please…

The stock of his own company, Berkshire Hathaway!

Berkshire was a textile business when Buffett bought it in 1962.

The reason he bought it? It was a bargain!

If you follow Buffett, you know what’s his secret recipe for investing success.

You need 4 things:

  • a company you understand
  • a company with excellent business economics
  • able and honest management
  • a cheap price!
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Who is an investor?


Most people think an investor is someone who invests in stocks or real estate.

Neahh….. That’s too short-sighted.

You should think of an investor as a master at capital allocation.

The real investor makes his capital sweat on the right things. Any sort of capital – not only cash!

Think of capital as assets. Cash is an asset. People are an asset. Time is an asset.

An investor is a capital optimisation freak.

What does he optimise for? Profits. Returns.

An investor who is offered an investment opportunity always asks one question to himself first: “Is there anything else I can do instead to get more returns?”

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